The story behind the Goemans Annual Memorial Event...
Through the donations of our generous partners, the proceeds from eight G.A.M.E events have so far topped $800,000 of the total $3million raised to help Camp Brebeuf complete renovations to ensure their facility will be able to meet today's standards. When this multi-year project is complete, the facility will be barrier-free and capacity will also be increased by roughly 10%, meaning room for nearly 300 additional kids each year.
Our goal in 2024 is to top the $1million mark in GAME proceeds and fund a new CYO Splash Pad to open this summer. With your generous support, we can continue the good work that was started in 2014 and help to fulfill the obligation we all have to make life better for everyone in our community and most importantly, our children.
Our story begins back in 2014. It was then that the Goemans Family held their first golf tournament to honour the memories of Hunter and Tony Goemans. This event was named the Goemans Annual Memorial Event (G.A.M.E) and the beneficiary was the Catholic Youth Organization and their Hamilton area youth camps, Marydale and Brébeuf. These camps allow many underprivileged and special needs children from all faiths and backgrounds, the opportunity to enjoy outdoor recreation regardless of the physical abilities, in a safe environment where they can build strong friendships and make memories that will last a lifetime.
On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the much adored G.A.M.E. will return for it's 9th edition at Milton's own Scottish style links, Glencairn Golf Club. Get ready for another fun-filled day of golf in support of C.Y.O. Kids Camps.
Boasting a prize table valued at over $100,000, this is an event you won't want to miss!
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Get Ready!
The Goemans Annual Memorial Event
in honour of Hunter & Tony Goemans is back!